26 Jun All American Offshore Team post Herreshoff Party
The party was a success!! We heard some amazing stories from Dawn Riley, Ralf Steitz, and Jerry Kirby. Stories ranged from jumping off the Newport Bridge to catch a boat, first time plaining on 20 foot swells instead of crashing through them, rounding Cape Horn rudderless, and timeless regatta tent parties. The All American and German team members also shared a couple stories. All American team member Chris Welch shared his favorite ocean racing story; rushing down swells at 30 knots in shorts and t shirtless.

Chris Welch
Thanks for coming out Newport and the German youth team! It was also great to see the Nevilles, who hosted the team while they assembled the boat Baltimore, and a handful of talented sailors who believe in giving young Americans offshore opportunities. AAOT enjoyed listening to music, enjoying great food, and a beautiful sunset with you. If you bought a ticket but weren’t able to make the party, we missed you and sincerely appreciate your support.
The All American Offshore Team has a couple fun races ahead, but we need help from the sailing community for supplies and docking fees in England. If you weren’t able to make the party but still want to help out the team we would be grateful for your support.
This has been a life changing experience for the 2011 Offshore Team and we want to ensure that more talented american sailors will be able to participate in this program next year.
To help American junior sailors get offshore opportunities next year, and ensure that there is a 2012 All American Offshore Team, please Support All-American Offshore Sailing