
Our good fortune has, indeed, come to an abrupt end! The day started strong with a steady 8 knot southerly that gradually gave way to a dying southeasterly, that also “gradually” disappeared. We didn’t know when or where it would happen, but it has and...

The "Daily Bag" - Jesse Fielding OakCliff All AMerican Offshore Team S/V Vanquish Atlantic Ocean Its a battle to find some computer time with all of the racing and maintenance but today is as good a day as any to brief the inter-webs on some of the goings on in Offshore...

We left Newport a week ago today in superb conditions and have really lucked out in that department ever since. We’ve had favorable winds and weather almost all the way but it appears that good fortune is about to change. With only three boats in...

It’s gut check day for the AAOT. The wheels are off the wagon and it’s time for us to double up on the tough stuff out here. The past 24 hours have been hard on the Vanquish. Jan and Molly spent all night feeding buckets...

Hi All, It’s been a day of sailing around here and not typing, our apologies. We are the farthest boat to the north and we’re in a crucial point of the race (over halfway home), sandwiched between a difficult trough from the low to our northwest...

Hello from the world of transoceanic crossers. Collectively I think we’re coming to grips with the reality of what’s going on here, crossing a really big ocean. It’s been about four full days since our start, five week days, and it is the longest I...

Our apologies for the late report, we’ve just made our third gybe today, gybes 1 and 2 coming in the past few hours. While we are still very much committed to our southerly route, we’ve been taking small hitches to the north to position ourselves...

Hellllo breeze. Well, we wanted it and we’ve got it. The last couple hours or so have been exactly what we expected, exactly what we needed, and exactly what we anticipate over the next 20 hours: 20-25 knots from the southwest, five foot seas, and...

Happy July 4 from everyone out here on the All-American Offshore Team. We hope you are all up to some good American fun at home. The settling in process is well behind us, as is continental North America. We are over 500 miles into this...

Well, no hot dogs or hamburgers, but we are having a nice day of reaching along in 15-18kt SWerly. We were hoping for running conditions by this time, but it looks like we have one more night before we free up. Have to apologize to the fishing fleet...