24 Sep Oakcliff hosts a Sporty Regatta for Olympic Hopefuls
The Harbor Master closed the harbor as the remnants of Tropical Storm Ophelia unexpectedly deteriorated, and racing for day two of the Oakcliff Triple Crown has been canceled. The ILCA 6 and ILCA 7s completed enough races on Saturday to have a regatta and a total of $24,327 in prize grants will be awarded to them according to the NOR. The 470s and 49ers were less fortunate, while they sailed on Saturday, they were not able to complete enough races in the extreme conditions of 20 gusting 30 to have a regatta.
This year, the ILCA 7 and ILCA 6 fleets were added to the Triple Crown for the first time. The competitors in both of these fleets had a blast in the high winds. Kelly McMurray, the ILCA 6 winner said “I had a great time, I really enjoyed testing my limits in high winds, and we made some quality racing out of the conditions we had”. Similarly, 2nd place ILCA 7 competitor, Leo Boucher said he “was stoked to sail in heavy winds, adding we get plenty of 6 knot days and don’t get to race in many 20 knot days. As a bonus he was able to bring some Yale students to the competition”.
Following through with the goal of supporting Olympic hopefuls, Oakcliff will award special grants. In the 470s Triple Crown One Grant amounts will be added to next weekend’s grants. If a competitor does not participate next weekend they will not receive a special grant.
49ers Olympic hopefuls and regular Oakcliff competitors: Chris and Duncan Williford, Ian Barrows and Steven Hardee, and Ryan Wood and Ed Colman will be awarded special grants for their participation this weekend equal to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The remaining 49er teams who attempted to race this weekend will have a special grant of $1,333 added to next weekend’s grants earned on the race course. Executive Director Dawn Riley explained, “Oakcliff was really proud of all of the competitors who tested their limits and gained confidence in tropical storm conditions. We are eager to see most of them back next weekend for Oakcliff Triple Crown 2 and support them all going forward in their quest for glory.”