13 Feb Adrien Lepleux
Adrien Lepleux is a 15 years old sailor from Paris, France. He moved from France to New York City last September. He is now training on high performance boats at Oackliff Sailing in Oyster Bay, New York. Adrien started sailing at the age of 7 in La Trinité-Sur-Mer, in France and now spends his time sailing between Brittany and New York City. When Adrien arrived in New York, he was surprised by the contrast between the two cities. Despite being a very small town, La Trinité-Sur-Mer is one of the main cities to sail in France. Many famous boats are based in the Port of La Trinité. In opposition, New York City is much bigger and is surrounded by water but unfortunately there is not a lot of sailing going on there. Lucky for him, Oakcliff is less than an hour away.